Our editor-in-chief gave us our first assignments and these have to be submitted on or before the end of the month. I was tasked to write news about another institute that I don't belong to. I thought it was easy and that the time frame given was more than enough. I was so confident that I can beat the deadline. However, I'm not inclined to writing news and they [senior staffers] know that.
Then came the chance for me to write a news about the institute I was assigned.
Since I'm new with news-writing, I came to the event unprepared. I was like just staring at people. Then I got bored and head on to our office. I sent my senior a text message, telling her that I'm already at the office (although the event isn't done yet). I was thinking that we can meet and write about the event. It was a pageant, actually, so I thought I would write a separate article about it. Then she came. Looking tired, she walked over to me and with a haggard face she asked, "Where's the info?". Little did I know that she was expecting me to interview people there.
I looked up to her, surprised, and answered, "What? What info?", and her frown turned into an annoyed and upset face, or somewhere in between.
For the first time in my life, I've felt like the dumbest human being in the world. I don't know, but it's true that sometimes what's supposed to be common sense is not common.
I don't know.
Maybe I was over-confident that the task was easy? (I still think it is, though).
Maybe I really don't like what I was doing?
Or maybe... maybe I really don't know what I'm supposed to be doing and I think I need a little bit of supervision or training.
Those were the thoughts that were running in my head when I saw that face of her. I wasn't expecting it.
So to somehow make her feel a little better, I apologized and I said I can instead watch what she does so I could at least learn something from her.
But her face remained like that, then she said, "Aren't you going to do something?".
Then I knew what it meant. Now my common sense is getting back, I guess.
So I left her, went out of our office, went home and missed the rest of the day.
Lesson learned.
Hashtag: laslas na boy. This feels like the suicidal state of being a newbie news writer.