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Showing posts from September, 2014

#BiyahengPanulat in HAU

Once upon a time --- no, just yesterday --- I and some of my Sinukuan Gazette buddies decided to take a hop to Holy Angel University in Angeles City to see  Biyaheng Panulat . Okay, I have to admit that I had no idea of what we're up to. My co-staffers told me names, but honestly, I wasn't familiar with any of them except Manix Abrera (whom I thought was a cartoonist for a broadsheet, and boy I was right). Note that I have no intentions of mocking these award-winning authors; it's just that I wasn't a fan of reading books (but not until I heard them speak). While everyone seemed to be really excited, as if waiting for celebrities, I was just slouchy sitting, thinking what could happen next, like what's-in-it-for-me.